6. Exercises on Newton’s Method#
Exercise 1#
a) Show that Newton’s method applied to
leads to fixed point iteration with function
b) Then verify mathematically that the iteration \(x_{k+1} = g(x_k)\) has super-linear convergence.
Exercise 2#
a) Create a Python function for Newton’s method, with usage
(root, errorEstimate, iterations, functionEvaluations) = newton(f, Df, x_0, errorTolerance, maxIterations)
(The last input parameter maxIterations
could be optional, with a default like maxIterations=100
b) based on your function bisection2
create a third (and final!) version with usage
(root, errorBound, iterations, functionEvaluations) = bisection(f, a, b, errorTolerance, maxIterations)
c) Use both of these to solve the equation
i) with [estimated] absolute error of no more than \(10^{-6}\), and then
ii) with [estimated] absolute error of no more than \(10^{-15}\).
Note in particular how many iterations and how many function evaluations are needed.
Graph the function, which will help to find a good starting interval \([a, b]\) and initial approximation \(x_0\).
d) Repeat, this time finding the unique real root of
Again graph the function, to find a good starting interval \([a, b]\) and initial approximation \(x_0\).
e) This second case will behave differently than for \(f_1\) in part (c): describe the difference. (We will discuss the reasons in class.)