Solving Equations by Fixed Point Iteration (of Contraction Mappings)
2. Solving Equations by Fixed Point Iteration (of Contraction Mappings)#
Section 1.2 of Sauer
Section 2.2 of Burden&Faires
2.1. Introduction#
in the next section we will meet Newton’s Method for Solving Equations for root-finding, which you might have seen in a calculus course. This is one very important example of a more general strategy of fixed-point iteration, so we start with that.
# Enable graphics, basically with the Python package matplotlib.pyplot
using PyPlot
n_plot_points = 50;
# Enable LaTeX math formatting in text strings, e.g. L"y=x^2"
#using LaTeXStrings
2.2. Fixed-point equations#
A variant of stating equations as root-finding (\(f(x) = 0\)) is fixed-point form: given a function \(g:\mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}\) or \(g:\mathbb{C} \to \mathbb{C}\) (or even \(g:\mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^n\); a later topic), find a fixed point of \(g\). That is, a value \(p\) for its argument such that
Such problems are interchangeable with root-finding. One way to convert from \(f(x) = 0\) to \(g(x) = x\) is functionining
for any “weight function” \(w(x)\).
One can convert the other way too, for example functionining \(f(x) := g(x) - x\). We have already seen this when we converted the equation \(x = \cos x\) to \(f(x) = x - \cos x = 0\).
Compare the two setups graphically: in each case, the \(x\) value at the intersection of the two curves is the solution we seek.
function f_1(x)
return x - cos.(x)
function g_1(x)
return cos.(x)
a = -1;
b = 1;
x = range(a, b, length=n_plot_points);
title(L"Zeros of $y = f(x) = x - \cos(x)$")
plot(x, f_1(x), label=L"y = f(x) = x - \cos(x)")
plot([a, b], [0, 0], label="y=0")
title(L"Fixed points of the map $g_1(x) = \cos(x)$")
plot(x, g_1(x), label=L"y = g_1(x) = \cos(x)")
plot(x, x, label="y=x")
The fixed point form can be convenient partly because we almost always have to solve by successive approximations, or iteration, and fixed point form suggests one choice of iterative procedure: start with any first approximation \(x_0\), and iterate with
Proposition 1. If \(g\) is continuous, and if the above sequence \(\{x_0, x_1, \dots \}\) converges to a limit \(p\), then that limit is a fixed point of function \(g\): \(g(p) = p\).
Proof: From \(\displaystyle \lim_{k \to \infty} x_k = p\), continuity gives
On the other hand, \(g(x_k) = x_{k+1}\), so
Comparing gives \(g(p) = p\).
That second “i” is a big one. Fortunately, it can often be resolved using the idea of a contraction mapping.
functioniniton 1: Mapping. A function \(g(x)\) functionined on a closed interval \(D = [a, b]\) which sends values back into that interval, \(g: D \to D\), is sometimes called a map or mapping.
(Aside: The same applies for a function \(g: D \to D\) where \(D\) is a subset of the complex numbers, or even of vectors \(\mathbb{R}^n\) or \(\mathbb{C}^n\).)
A mapping is sometimes thought of as moving a region \(S\) within its domain \(D\) to another such region, by moving each point \(x \in S \subset D\) to its image \(g(x) \in g(S) \subset D\).
A very important case is mappings that shrink the region, by reducing the distance between points:
Proposition 2: Any continuous mapping on a closed interval \([a, b]\) has at least one fixed point.
Proof: Consider the “root-finding cousin”, \(f(x) = x - g(x)\).
First, \(f(a) = a - g(a) \leq 0\), since \(g(a) \geq a\) so as to be in the domain \([a,b]\) — similarly, \(f(b) = b - g(b) \geq 0\).
From the Intermediate Value Theorem, \(f\) has a zero \(p\), where \(f(p) = p - g(p) = 0\).
In other words, the graph of \(y=g(x)\) goes from being above the line \(y=x\) at \(x=a\) to below it at \(x=b\), so at some point \(x=p\), the curves meet: \(y = x = p\) and \(y = g(p)\), so \(p = g(p)\).
2.2.1. Example 1#
Let us illustrate this with the mapping \(g_4(x) := 4 \cos x\), for which the fact that \(|g_4(x)| \leq 4\) ensures that this is a map of the domain \(D = [-4, 4]\) into itself:
function g_4(x)
return 4 * cos.(x)
a = -4;
b = 4;
x = range(a, b, length=n_plot_points);
title(L"Fixed points of the map $g_4(x) = 4 \cos(x)$")
plot(x, g_4(x), label=L"y = g_4(x)")
plot(x, x, label="y=x")
This example has multiple fixed points (three of them). To ensure both the existence of a unique solution, and covergence of the iteration to that solution, we need an extra condition.
Definition 2: Contraction Mapping. A mapping \(g:D \to D\), is called a contraction or contraction mapping if there is a constant \(C < 1\) such that
for any \(x\) and \(y\) in \(D\). We then call \(C\) a contraction constant.
(Aside: The same applies for a domain in \(\mathbb{R}^n\): just replace the absolute value \(| \dots |\) by the vector norm \(\| \dots \|\).)
Note: it is not enough to have \(| g(x) - g(y) | < | x - y |\) or \(C = 1\)! We need the ratio \(\displaystyle \frac{|g(x) - g(y)|}{|x - y|}\) to be uniformly less than one for all possible values of \(x\) and \(y\).
Theorem 1 (A Contraction Mapping Theorem). Any contraction mapping on a closed, bounded interval \(D = [a, b]\) has exactly one fixed point \(p\) in \(D\). Further, this can be calculated as the limit \(\displaystyle p = \lim_{k \to \infty} x_k\) of the iteration sequence given by \(x_{k+1} = g(x_{k})\) for any choice of the starting point \(x_{0} \in D\).
The main idea of the proof can be shown with the help of a few pictures.
First, uniqeness:
between any two of the multiple fixed points above — call them \(p_0\) and \(p_1\) — the graph of \(g(x)\) has to rise with secant slope 1: \((g(p_1) - g(p_0)/(p_1 - p_0) = (p_1 - p_0)/(p_1 - p_0) = 1\), and this violates the contraction property.
So instead, for a contraction, the graph of a contraction map looks like the one below for our favorite example, \(g(x) = \cos x\) (which we will soon verify to be a contraction on interval \([-1, 1]\)):
The second claim, about convergence to the fixed point from any initial approximation \(x_0\), will be verified below, once we have seen some ideas about measuring errors.
2.2.2. An easy way of checking whether a differentiable function is a contraction#
With differentiable functions, the contraction condition can often be easily verified using derivatives:
Theorem 2 (A derivative-based fixed point theorem). If a function \(g:[a,b] \to [a,b]\) is differentiable and there is a constant \(C < 1\) such that \(|g"(x)| \leq C\) for all \(x \in [a, b]\), then \(g\) is a contraction mapping, and so has a unique fixed point in this interval.
Using the Mean Value Theorem, \(g(x) - g(y) = g"(c)(x - y)\) for some \(c\) between \(x\) and \(y\);
then taking absolute values,
2.2.3. Example 2. \(g(x) = \cos x\) is a contraction on domain \([-1, 1]\)#
Our favorite example \(g(x) = \cos(x)\) is a contraction, but we have to be a bit careful about the domain.
For all real \(x\), \(g"(x) = -\sin x\), so \(|g"(x)| \leq 1\); this is almost but not quite enough.
However, we have seen that iteration values will settle in the interval \(D = [-1,1]\), and considering \(g\) as a mapping of this domain, \(|g"(x)| \leq \sin(1) = 0.841\dots < 1\): that is, now we have a contraction, with \(C = \sin(1) \approx 0.841\).
And as seen in the graph above, there is indeed a unique fixed point.
2.2.4. The contraction constant \(C\) as a measure of how fast the approximations improve (the smaller the better)#
It can be shown that if \(C\) is small (at least when one looks only at a reduced domain \(|x - p| < R\)) then the convergence is “fast” once \(|x_k - p| < R\).
To see this, we functionine some jargon for talking about errors. (For more details on error concepts, see section Measures of Error and Order of Convergence
Definition 3: Error. The error in \(\tilde x\) as an approximation to an exact value \(x\) is
This will often be abbreviated as \(E\).
Definition 4: Absolute Error. The absolute error in \(\tilde x\) an approximation to an exact value \(x\) is the magnitude of the error: the absolute value \(|E| = |\tilde x - x|\).
(Aside: This will later be extended to \(x\) and \(\tilde x\) being vectors, by again using the vector norm in place of the absolute value. In fact, I will sometimes blur the distinction by using the “single line” absolute value notation for vector norms too.)
In the case of \(x_k\) as an approximation of \(p\), we name the error \(E_k := x_k - p\). Then \(C\) measures a worst case for how fast the error decreases as \(k\) increases, and this is “exponentially fast”:
Proposition 3. \(|E_{k+1}| \leq C |E_{k}|\), or \(|E_{k+1}|/|E_{k}|\leq C\), and so
That is, the error decreases at worst in a geometric sequence, which is exponential decrease with respect to the variable \(k\).
\(E_{k+1} = x_{k+1} - p = g(x_{k}) - g(p)\), using \(g(p) = p\). Thus the contraction property gives
Applying this again,
and repeating \(k-2\) more times,
Aside: We will often use this “recursive” strategy of relating the error in one iterate to that in the previous iterate.
The rest of the proof of the Contraction Mapping Theorem (Theorem 5): guaranteed convergence.
This now follows from the above proposition:
for any initial approximation \(x_0\), we know that
\(|E_k|\leq C^k |x_0 - p|\), and with \(C < 1\), this can be made as small as we want by choosing a large enough value of \(k\).
which is another way of saying that \(\displaystyle \lim_{k \to \infty} x_k = p\), or \(x_k \to p\), as claimed.
2.2.5. Example 3. Solving \(x = \cos x\) with a naive fixed point iteration#
We have seen that one way to convert the example \(f(x) = x - \cos x = 0\) to a fixed point iteration is \(g(x) = \cos x\), and that this is a contraction on \(D = [-1, 1]\)
Here is what this iteration looks like:
a = 0;
b = 1;
x = range(a, b, length=n_plot_points);
iterations = 10
# Start at left
x_k = a
title(L"Solving $x = \cos(x)$ starting to the left, at $x_0 =$"*" $a")
plot(x, x, "g")
plot(x, g_1(x), "r")
for k in 1:iterations
g_x_k = g_1(x_k)
# Graph evalation of g(x_k) from x_k:
plot([x_k, x_k], [x_k, g_1(x_k)], "b")
x_k_plus_1 = g_1(x_k)
#Connect to the new x_k on the line y = x:
plot([x_k, g_1(x_k)], [x_k_plus_1, x_k_plus_1], "b")
# Update names: the old x_k+1 is the new x_k
x_k = x_k_plus_1
println("x_$(k+1) = $x_k_plus_1")
x_2 = 1.0
x_3 = 0.5403023058681398
x_4 = 0.8575532158463934
x_5 = 0.6542897904977791
x_6 = 0.7934803587425656
x_7 = 0.7013687736227565
x_8 = 0.7639596829006542
x_9 = 0.7221024250267077
x_10 = 0.7504177617637605
x_11 = 0.7314040424225098
# Start at right
x_k = b
title("Solving "*L"x = \cos(x)"*" starting to the right, at "*L"x_0 = "*"$b")
plot(x, x, "g")
plot(x, g_1(x), "r")
for k in 1:iterations
g_x_k = g_1(x_k)
# Graph evalation of g(x_k) from x_k:
plot([x_k, x_k], [x_k, g_1(x_k)], "b")
x_k_plus_1 = g_1(x_k)
#Connect to the new x_k on the line y = x:
plot([x_k, g_1(x_k)], [x_k_plus_1, x_k_plus_1], "b")
# Update names: the old x_k+1 is the new x_k
x_k = x_k_plus_1
println("x_$(k+1) = $x_k_plus_1")
x_2 = 0.5403023058681398
x_3 = 0.8575532158463934
x_4 = 0.6542897904977791
x_5 = 0.7934803587425656
x_6 = 0.7013687736227565
x_7 = 0.7639596829006542
x_8 = 0.7221024250267077
x_9 = 0.7504177617637605
x_10 = 0.7314040424225098
x_11 = 0.744237354900557
In each case, one gets a “box spiral” in to the fixed point. It always looks like this when \(g\) is decreasing near the fixed point.
If instead \(g\) is increasing near the fixed point, the iterates approach monotonically, either from above or below:
2.2.6. Example 4. Solving \(f(x) = x^2 - 5x + 4 = 0\) in interval \([0, 3]\)#
The roots are 1 and 4; for now we aim at the first of these, so we chose a domain \([0, 3]\) that contains just this root.
Let us get a fixed point for by “partially solving for \(x\)”: solving for the \(x\) in the \(5 x\) term:
function f_2(x)
return x^2 - 5*x + 4
function g_2(x)
return (x^2 + 4)/5
a = 0;
b = 3;
x = range(a, b, length=n_plot_points);
title(L"Solving $y = f_2(x) = x^2-5x+4 = 0$")
plot(x, f_2.(x))
plot([a, b], [0, 0])
title(L"Finding fixed point of $y = g_2(x) = (x^2 + 4)/5$")
plot(x, g_2.(x))
plot(x, x)
iterations = 10;
# Start at left
a = 0;
b = 1.5;
x = range(a, b, length=n_plot_points);
x_k = a
title(L"Starting to the left, at $x_0 =$"*"$a")
plot(x, x, "g")
plot(x, g_2.(x), "r")
for k in 1:iterations
g_x_k = g_2(x_k)
# Graph evalation of g(x_k) from x_k:
plot([x_k, x_k], [x_k, g_2(x_k)], "b")
x_k_plus_1 = g_2(x_k)
#Connect to the new x_k on the line y = x:
plot([x_k, g_2(x_k)], [x_k_plus_1, x_k_plus_1], "b")
# Update names: the old x_k+1 is the new x_k
x_k = x_k_plus_1
println("x_$(k+1) = $x_k_plus_1")
x_2 = 0.8
x_3 = 0.9280000000000002
x_4 = 0.9722368000000001
x_5 = 0.9890488790548482
x_6 = 0.9956435370319303
x_7 = 0.9982612105666906
x_8 = 0.9993050889044148
x_9 = 0.999722132142052
x_10 = 0.9998888682989302
x_11 = 0.999955549789623
# Start at right
a = 0;
b = 3;
x = range(a, b, length=n_plot_points);
#println("Starting to the right, at x_0 = $b")
x_k = b;
title(L"Starting to the right, at $x_0 =$"*"$b")
plot(x, x, "g")
plot(x, g_2.(x), "r")
#println("x_1 = $x_k")
for k in 1:iterations
g_x_k = g_2(x_k)
# Graph evalation of g(x_k) from x_k:
plot([x_k, x_k], [x_k, g_2(x_k)], "b")
x_k_plus_1 = g_2(x_k)
#Connect to the new x_k on the line y = x:
plot([x_k, g_2(x_k)], [x_k_plus_1, x_k_plus_1], "b")
# Update names: the old x_k+1 is the new x_k
x_k = x_k_plus_1
println("x_$(k) = $x_k")
x_1 = 2.6
x_2 = 2.152
x_3 = 1.7262208
x_4 = 1.3959676500705283
x_5 = 1.1897451360086866
x_6 = 1.0830986977312658
x_7 = 1.0346205578054328
x_8 = 1.014087939726725
x_9 = 1.0056748698998388
x_10 = 1.0022763887896116
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