Last revised on August 14, 2024
(coming soon)In the next section we will meet Newton's method for root-finding, which you might have seen in a calculus course. This is one very important example of the more general strategy of fixed-point iteration, so we start with that.
# We will often need resources from the modules numpy and pyplot:
import numpy as np
# We can also import items from a module individually, so they can be used by "first name only".
# In this book this is done mostly for mathematical functions with familiar names:
from numpy import cos
# and some very frequently used functions for graphing:
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, plot, title, legend, grid
A variant of stating equations as root-finding ($f(x) = 0$) is fixed-point form: given a function $g:\mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ or $g:\mathbb{C} \to \mathbb{C}$ (or even $g:\mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^n$; a later topic), find a fixed point of $g$. That is, a value $p$ for its argument such that
$$g(p) = p$$Such problems are interchangeable with root-finding. One way to convert from $f(x) = 0$ to $g(x) = x$ is defining
$$g(x) := x - w(x) f(x)$$for any "weight function" $w(x)$.
One can convert the other way too, for example defining $f(x) := g(x) - x$. We have already seen this when we converted the equation $x = \cos x$ to $f(x) = x - \cos x = 0$.
Compare the two setups graphically: in each case, the $x$ value at the intersection of the two curves is the solution we seek.
def f_1(x): return x - cos(x)
def g_1(x): return cos(x)
a = -1
b = 1
x = np.linspace(a, b)
title("$y = f_1(x) = x - \cos(x)$ and $y=0$")
plot(x, f_1(x))
plot([a, b], [0, 0])
title("$y = g_1(x) = \cos (x)$ and $y=x$")
plot(x, g_1(x))
plot(x, x)
Fixed point form can be convenient partly because we almost always have to solve by successive approximations, or iteration, and fixed point form suggests one choice of iterative procedure: start with any first approximation $x_0$, and iterate with
$$ x_1 = g(x_0), \, x_2 = g(x_1), \dots, x_{k+1} = g(x_k), \dots $${prf:proposition}
:label: proposition-1-fpi-iterates-converge-to-fp
If $g$ is continuous, and **if** the above sequence $\{x_0, x_1, \dots \}$ converges to a limit $p$, then that limit is a fixed point of function $g$: $g(p) = p$.
From $\displaystyle \lim_{k \to \infty} x_k = p$, continuity gives
$$\lim_{k \to \infty} g(x_k) = g(p).$$
On the other hand, $g(x_k) = x_{k+1}$, so
$$\lim_{k \to \infty} g(x_k) = \lim_{k \to \infty} x_{k+1} = p.$$
Comparing gives $g(p) = p$.
That second "if" is a big one; Fortunately, it can often be resolved using the idea of a contraction mapping.
First, we need the idea of a mapping.
```{prf:definition} Mapping :label: definition-mapping
A function $g(x)$ defined on a closed interval $D = [a, b]$ which sends values back into that interval, $g: D \to D$, is sometimes called a map or mapping. ```
```{prf:remark} The same applies for a function $g: D \to D$ where $D$ is a subset of the complex numbers, or even of the vectors $\mathbb{R}^n$ or $\mathbb{C}^n$. This will help later with solving more general types of equations.
A mapping is sometimes thought of as moving a region $S$ within its domain $D$ to another such region, by moving each point $x \in S \subset D$ to its image $g(x) \in g(S) \subset D$.
:label: proposition-2-ivp-fpi-version
Any continuous mapping on a closed interval $[a, b]$ has at least one fixed point.
Consider the "root-finding cousin", $f(x) = x - g(x)$.
First, $f(a) = a - g(a) \leq 0$, since $g(a) \geq a$ so as to be in the domain $[a,b]$ — similarly, $f(b) = b - g(b) \geq 0$.
From the Intermediate Value Theorem, $f$ has a zero $p$, where $f(p) = p - g(p) = 0$.
In other words, the graph of $y=g(x)$ goes from being above the line $y=x$ at $x=a$ to below it at $x=b$,
so at some point $x=p$, the curves meet: $y = x = p$ and $y = g(p)$, so $p = g(p)$.
:label: example-1-x-4cosx
Let us illustrate this with the mapping $g_4(x) := 4 \cos x$,
for which the fact that $|g_4(x)| \leq 4$ ensures that this is a map of the domain $D = [-4, 4]$ into itself:
def g_4(x): return 4*cos(x)
a = -4
b = 4
x = np.linspace(a, b)
title("Fixed points of the map $g_4(x) = 4 \cos(x)$")
plot(x, g_4(x), label="$y=g_4(x)$")
plot(x, x, label="$y=x$")
The above example has multiple fixed points (three of them). To ensure the existence of a unique solution, and convergence of the iteration to that solution, we use an extra condition.
```{prf:definition} Contraction Mapping :label: definition-contraction-mapping
A mapping $g:D \to D$, is called a contraction or contraction mapping if there is a constant $C < 1$ such that
$$|g(x) - g(y)| \leq C |x - y|$$for any $x$ and $y$ in $D$. We then call $C$ a contraction constant. ```
- It is not enough to have $| g(x) - g(y) | < | x - y |$ or $C = 1$!
We need the ratio
$\displaystyle \frac{|g(x) - g(y)|}{|x - y|}$
to be *uniformly* less than one for all possible values of $x$ and $y$.
- The same applies for a domain in $\mathbb{C}$, $\mathbb{R}^n$ or $\mathbb{C}^n$:
for vectors, just replace the absolute value $| \dots |$ by the vector norm $\| \dots \|$.
In fact, we will sometimes blur the distinction by using the "single line" absolute value notation for vector norms too.
```{prf:theorem} A Contraction Mapping Theorem :label: a-contraction-mapping-theorem
Any contraction mapping on a closed, bounded interval $D = [a, b]$ has exactly one fixed point $p$ in $D$. Further, this can be calculated as the limit $\displaystyle p = \lim_{k \to \infty} x_k$ of the iteration sequence given by $x_{k+1} = g(x_{k})$ for any choice of the starting point $x_{0} \in D$. ```
First, uniqeness:
between any two of the multiple fixed points above — call them $p_0$ and $p_1$ — the graph of $g(x)$ has to rise with secant slope 1: $(g(p_1) - g(p_0)/(p_1 - p_0) = (p_1 - p_0)/(p_1 - p_0) = 1$, and this violates the contraction property.
So instead, for a contraction, the graph of a contraction map looks like the one below for our favorite example,
$g(x) = \cos x$ (which we will soon verify to be a contraction on interval $[-1, 1]$):
The second claim, about **convergence** to the fixed point from any initial approximation $x_0$,
will be verified below, once we have seen some ideas about measuring errors.
With differentiable functions, the contraction condition can often be easily verified using derivatives:
```{prf:theorem} A derivative-based fixed point theorem :label: a-derivative-based-fixed-point-theorem
If a function $g:[a,b] \to [a,b]$ is differentiable and there is a constant $C < 1$ such that $|g'(x)| \leq C$ for all $x \in [a, b]$, then $g$ is a contraction mapping with this contraction constant, and so has a unique fixed point in this interval. ```
Using the Mean Value Theorem, $g(x) - g(y) = g'(c)(x - y)$ for some $c$ between $x$ and $y$.
Then taking absolute values,
$$|g(x) - g(y)| = |g'(c)| \cdot |(x - y)| \leq C |(x - y)|.$$
```{prf:example} $g(x) = \cos(x)$ is a contraction on interval $[-1,1]$ :label: example-2-x-cosx
Our favorite example $g(x) = \cos(x)$ is a contraction, but we have to be a bit careful about the domain.
For all real $x$, $g'(x) = -\sin x$, so $|g'(x)| \leq 1$; this is almost but not quite enough.
However, we have seen that iteration values will settle in the interval $D = [-1,1]$, and considering $g$ as a mapping of this domain, $|g'(x)| \leq \sin(1) = 0.841\dots < 1$: that is, now we have a contraction, with $C = \sin(1) \approx 0.841$.
And as seen in the graph above, there is indeed a unique fixed point. ```
It can be shown that if $C$ is small (at least when one looks only at a reduced domain $|x - p| < R$) then the convergence is "fast" once $|x_k - p| < R$.
To see this, we define some jargon for talking about errors. (For more details on error concepts, see the section on error measures and convergence rates.)
```{prf:definition} Error :label: definition-error
The error in $\tilde x$ as an approximation to an exact value $x$ is
$$\text{error} := \text{(approximation)} - \text{(exact value)} = \tilde x - x$$This will often be abbreviated as $E$. ```
```{prf:definition} Absolute Error :label: definition-absolute-error
The absolute error in $\tilde x$ an approximation to an exact value $x$ is the magnitude of the error: the absolute value $|E| = |\tilde x - x|$.
This will later be extended to $x$ and $\tilde x$ being vectors,
by again using the vector norm in place of the absolute value.
In the case of $x_k$ as an approximation of $p$, we name the error $E_k := x_k - p$. Then $C$ measures a worst case for how fast the error decreases as $k$ increases, and this is "exponentially fast":
:label: proposition-3
$|E_{k+1}| \leq C |E_{k}|$, or $|E_{k+1}|/|E_{k}|\leq C$,
and so
$$|E_k| \leq C^k |x_0 - p|$$
That is, the error decreases at worst in a geometric sequence,
which is exponential decrease with respect to the variable $k$.
$E_{k+1} = x_{k+1} - p = g(x_{k}) - g(p)$, using $g(p) = p$.
Thus the contraction property gives
$$|E_{k+1}| = |g(x_k) - g(p)| \leq C |x_k - p| = C |E_k|$$
Applying this again,
$$|E_k| \leq C |E_{k-1}| \leq C \cdot C |E_{k-2}| = C^2 |E_{k-2}|$$
and repeating $k-2$ more times,
$$|E_k|\leq C^k |E_0| = C^k |x_0 - p|.$$
We will often use this "recursive" strategy of relating the error in one iterate to that in the previous iterate.
```{prf:example} Solving $x = \cos x$ with a naive fixed point iteration :label: example-3-x-cosx-fpi
We have seen that one way to convert the example $f(x) = x - \cos x = 0$ to a fixed point iteration is $g(x) = \cos x$, and that this is a contraction on $D = [-1, 1]$
Here is what this iteration looks like: ```
a = 0
b = 1
x = np.linspace(a, b)
iterations = 10
# Start at left
print(f"Solving x = cos(x) starting to the left, at x_0 = {a}")
x_k = a
title(f"Solving $x = \cos x$ starting to the left, at $x_0$ = {a}")
plot(x, x, "g")
plot(x, g(x), "r")
for k in range(iterations):
g_x_k = g_1(x_k)
# Graph evalation of g(x_k) from x_k:
plot([x_k, x_k], [x_k, g(x_k)], "b")
x_k_plus_1 = g_1(x_k)
#Connect to the new x_k on the line y = x:
plot([x_k, g_1(x_k)], [x_k_plus_1, x_k_plus_1], "b")
# Update names: the old x_k+1 is the new x_k
x_k = x_k_plus_1
print(f"x_{k+1} = {x_k_plus_1}")
# Start at right
print(f"Solving x = cos(x) starting to the right, at x_0 = {b}")
x_k = b
title(f"Solving $x = \cos(x)$ starting to the right, at $x_0$ = {b}")
plot(x, x, "g")
plot(x, g(x), "r")
for k in range(iterations):
g_x_k = g_1(x_k)
# Graph evalation of g(x_k) from x_k:
plot([x_k, x_k], [x_k, g(x_k)], "b")
x_k_plus_1 = g_1(x_k)
#Connect to the new x_k on the line y = x:
plot([x_k, g_1(x_k)], [x_k_plus_1, x_k_plus_1], "b")
# Update names: the old x_k+1 is the new x_k
x_k = x_k_plus_1
print(f"x_{k+1} = {x_k_plus_1}")
Solving x = cos(x) starting to the left, at x_0 = 0 x_1 = 1.0 x_2 = 0.5403023058681398 x_3 = 0.8575532158463933 x_4 = 0.6542897904977792 x_5 = 0.7934803587425655 x_6 = 0.7013687736227566 x_7 = 0.7639596829006542 x_8 = 0.7221024250267077 x_9 = 0.7504177617637605 x_10 = 0.7314040424225098 Solving x = cos(x) starting to the right, at x_0 = 1 x_1 = 0.5403023058681398 x_2 = 0.8575532158463933 x_3 = 0.6542897904977792 x_4 = 0.7934803587425655 x_5 = 0.7013687736227566 x_6 = 0.7639596829006542 x_7 = 0.7221024250267077 x_8 = 0.7504177617637605 x_9 = 0.7314040424225098 x_10 = 0.7442373549005569
In each case, one gets a "box spiral" in to the fixed point. It always looks like this when $g$ is decreasing near the fixed point.
If instead $g$ is increasing near the fixed point, the iterates approach monotonically, either from above or below:
```{prf:example} Solving $f(x) = x^2 - 5x + 4 = 0$ in interval $[0, 3]$ :label: example-4
The roots are 1 and 4; for now we aim at the first of these, so we chose a domain $[0, 3]$ that contains just this root.
Let us get a fixed point form by "partially solving for $x$": solving for the $x$ in the $5 x$ term:
$$ x = g(x) = (x^2 + 4)/5 $$```
def f_2(x): return x**2 - 5*x + 4
def g_2(x): return (x**2 + 4)/5
a = 0
b = 3
x = np.linspace(a, b)
title("$y = f_2(x) = x^2-5x+4$ and $y = 0$")
plot(x, f_2(x))
plot([a, b], [0, 0])
title("$y = g_2(x) = (x^2 + 4)/5$ and $y=x$")
plot(x, g_2(x))
plot(x, x)
iterations = 10
# Start at left
a = 0.0
b = 2.0
x = np.linspace(a, b)
x_k = a
title(f"Starting to the left, at x_0 = {a}")
plot(x, x, "g")
plot(x, g_2(x), "r")
for k in range(iterations):
g_x_k = g_2(x_k)
# Graph evalation of g(x_k) from x_k:
plot([x_k, x_k], [x_k, g_2(x_k)], "b")
x_k_plus_1 = g_2(x_k)
#Connect to the new x_k on the line y = x:
plot([x_k, g_2(x_k)], [x_k_plus_1, x_k_plus_1], "b")
# Update names: the old x_k+1 is the new x_k
x_k = x_k_plus_1
print(f"x_{k+1} = {x_k_plus_1}")
x_1 = 0.8 x_2 = 0.9280000000000002 x_3 = 0.9722368000000001 x_4 = 0.9890488790548482 x_5 = 0.9956435370319303 x_6 = 0.9982612105666906 x_7 = 0.9993050889044148 x_8 = 0.999722132142052 x_9 = 0.9998888682989302 x_10 = 0.999955549789623
# Start at right
a = 0.0
b = 2.0
x = np.linspace(a, b)
x_k = b
title(f"Starting to the right, at x_0 = {b}")
plot(x, x, "g")
plot(x, g_2(x), "r")
for k in range(iterations):
g_x_k = g_2(x_k)
# Graph evalation of g(x_k) from x_k:
plot([x_k, x_k], [x_k, g_2(x_k)], "b")
x_k_plus_1 = g_2(x_k)
#Connect to the new x_k on the line y = x:
plot([x_k, g_2(x_k)], [x_k_plus_1, x_k_plus_1], "b")
# Update names: the old x_k+1 is the new x_k
x_k = x_k_plus_1
print(f"x_{k+1} = {x_k_plus_1}")
x_1 = 1.6 x_2 = 1.312 x_3 = 1.1442688 x_4 = 1.061870217330688 x_5 = 1.0255136716907844 x_6 = 1.010335658164943 x_7 = 1.0041556284319177 x_8 = 1.0016657052223 x_9 = 1.0006668370036975 x_10 = 1.000266823735797