This is a template for working on Exercise 2 of Section 1.1, Root Finding by Interval Halving
Create a Python function implementing this better algorithm, with usage
(root, errorBound) = bisection2(f, a, b, errorTolerance)
Note that this also improves the output, by giving information about the accuracy of the output result: we should always aim at this from now on.
(Again I have changed the names of the error tolerance and error bound from $E_{tol}$ and $E_{max}$,
both to be more descriptive and to avoid subscripts.
Note also the "camel case" style: concatenating words [since spaces are not allowed in names] and capitalizing each new word.
Another popular option is to replace each space in a descriptive phrase by the underscore "_" as with error_tolerance
Test it with the above example: $f(x) = x - \cos x$, $[a, b] = [-1, 1]$, this time accurate to within $10^{-4}$.
Use the fact that there is a solution in the interval $(-1, 1)$.
# We will often need resources from the modules numpy and pyplot:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# We can also import items from a module individually, so they can be used by "first name only".
# This will often be done for mathematical functions.
from numpy import cos
def bisection2(f, a, b, errorTolerance):
This is a "stub": it functions in that it is "syntactically correct",
but does not do the right thing.
Instead it gives the best available answers without having done any real work!
f: a continuous function from and to real values
a: to be continued ...
return (root, errorBound)
Aside: look what the function help
Help on function bisection2 in module __main__: bisection2(f, a, b, errorTolerance) This is a "stub": it functions in that it is "syntactically correct", but does not do the right thing. Instead it gives the best available answers without having done any real work! Inputs: f: a continuous function from and to real values a: to be continued ...
Now test this, by first defining the needed inputs f
, a
, b
and the error tolerance errorTolerance